Water Pollution

        Cambodia is well supplied with water resources. The surface water used as a drinking water supply, is often the same as used for bathing washing clothes, and disposing of waste products.

          The provincial centers general have access to surface water from the river systems in unlimited quantities however the coverage of the piped water supply in those towns as 15% with service restricted to the central areas of the town. Rural areas utilize streams, lakes, and ponds, and underground water resources from tube, pipe, and dug wells.

 Infectious water related diseases are transmitted primarily through human and animal excreta and the use of such unsafe water, poor sanitation, and low hygiene awareness, acts to increase levels of sickness and contribute to arise in the incidence of poverty indicated by high infant mortality rates.
       Toxics algae have been detected in Phnom pinch’s raw water and sedimentation tanks and in the Tonal Sap River in the late dry season, and can produce toxins and release them into drinking water supply.
Water Pollution Water Pollution Reviewed by Rayuth GB on 8:25 AM Rating: 5

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